Harf Information Technology

The company started in 1985 as the Islamic Heritage Center attached to Sakhr Software Company developing Islamic software products. Later on, it became an independent company bearing the name Global Islamic Software Company .In 1997, the company expanded and new shareholders were introduced. Recently, the company's name was changed to Harf Information Technology.
Harf has developed great Islamic materials on electronic media such as the Holy Qur'an with its most famous interpretations, and more than 62,000 of Prophetic Hadiths with related commentaries and studies.
The heritage books of Islamic jurisprudence are also available on the Encyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence which amounts to about 750,000 of printed pages with full analysis and studies.
Besides, the company has developed other products including Islamic Dictionary, Jurisprudence of Prayer, Jurisprudence of Inheritance, Jurisprudence of Transactions, Economic Fatwas, Hajj and `Umrah, and Journey to Three Mosques.
Most of Harf's software products have been translated into English, French, German, Turkish, Indonesian, Malay, in addition to other languages that are under construction.
Harf produces its software on different computing environments that are compatible with all publishing media. Besides, the company has a wide-ranging experience in managing and publishing Islamic information on the Internet. It has a rich Web site that provides Internet users with a free access to some of the company programs and giving information on the company's products, technologies and future trends.
Harf enjoys the following advantages:
Developers and technical staff are connected to the Wide Area Network (WAN) through Internet, e-mail, and Internet applications to get new technologies and to develop Arabic Internet tools and programs that help Arabic and Muslim users.
Data collection depends on the Internet and a large electronic Islamic library.
Arabic and Jurisprudence departments make extensive use of the morphological analysis technology.
Technical Writing and Translation depend on a large database and standard translation workbenches.
The whole company is connected by a Local Area Network (LAN) and an internal mailing system to enhance cooperation and interaction among different departments. The networked system also helps in linking the managerial and executive departments to facilitate the flow of information between the decision-makers and the employees.
Developers use the most advanced programming languages and the latest technologies with Internet.